A CLEAN Windscreen For Safer Driving!
80% of American car owners admit that they NEVER Clean the inside of their windshield. Most fear leaving irritating smudges on the glass, or simply cant get into those awkward gaps at the back.

A smudged, dirty windshield isn't just unsightly - it's the leading cause of fatal accidents on the road. Window grime causes glare, distractions, fogging and other dangerous hazards while you drive.
Don't let something as simple as a dirty windscreen destroy a life.
MicroGleam™ uses a specially developed microfiber pad, guaranteeing smudge free cleaning on glass. It keeps grimey, unloved windscreens crystal clear for a safer and more enjoyable drive.
Eliminate glare and boost visibility - and you may never need to experience the pain of a devastating car accident.
"i cleaned windshield with tissue once and was still finding the smudges 2 months later. the muck used to catch the light in low sun and make it really difficult to drive. After using the microgleam, i just feel so stupid and guilty driving how i used to :(" - Suzan, CA
- Reaches deep into those awkward corners at the back of the dashboard.
- Anti-Smudge finish so no more distracted driving!!
- Windshield cause oder, by capturing and harbouring fungus filled condensation. Leave your car fresh and remove any lingering mouldy smells!
- The machine washable pads can be used and reused forever!
- Compact size can stay in your car so you'll never forget it.
1 x MicroGleam™ Anti-Smear Windshield Cleaner